PwC Edge – Case & Dinner Evening 2021

PwC Edge – Case & Dinner Evening 2021


We have the pleasure of inviting Master’s level students to PwC Edge – Case & Dinner Evening on Thursday 25 November at PwC Helsinki office (Itämerentori 2) at 17:00.

During the evening, you will have the opportunity to learn more about Edge and PwC Deals – our M&A Advisory services. You will also get to solve a case in teams. We will end the evening with a dinner at restaurant Ragu in a relaxed atmosphere hosted by our PwC Deals professionals.


Read more and sign up here for the event latest by 17 November 2021. Please note that the number of seats is limited and registration for the event is binding – we will inform all chosen participants by 19 November. The dress code for the evening is business casual.
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