Edge – PwC Deals Graduate Programme

Edge – PwC Deals Graduate Programme

Application period for Edge – PwC Deals Graduate Programme is here! Edge is a three-year graduate programme which offers two different paths to apply for:
  • Path A – Focus on complex M&A related financial, accounting and data analytics issues
  • Path B – Focus on corporate finance, strategic and operational M&A issues

Typically, you will spend two of your rotations in teams on the path you choose and one the other path. Offering work experience in at least three different Deals Business Units, Edge is a unique opportunity to launch your Deals career and deepen your knowledge in M&A advisory. With the support of the global PwC Network, hands-on coaching and a wide variety of project work, you will develop business, personal and technical skills that you can leverage throughout your professional life.

Read more here and apply latest by 6th January 2022.
EY – Audit Trainee

EY – Audit Trainee

Onko sinulla kiinnostusta tilintarkastusta ja liike-elämää kohtaan? EY hakee motivoituneita tilintarkastuksen harjoittelijoita Suomen eri toimistoille aloittamaan lokakuussa 2025. Jos olet järjestelmällinen ja positiivisella asenteella varustettu tiimipelaaja, lue...

EY – Audit Associate

EY – Audit Associate

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