Cushman & Wakefield – Analyst,Tenant Representation

Cushman & Wakefield (C&W) is now looking for an Analyst to join its growing Tenant Representation business, which focuses on advising C&W’s domestic and global partnership companies in the Finnish commercial real estate market.

As an Analyst, your main goal is to provide support for C&W’s team in delivering transaction advisory services to clients. On a daily basis your responsibilities include for example conducting market research, analyzing market trends, reporting and compiling materials.

The analyst we are now looking for enjoys working both independently and as a part of a team. Your positive attitude combined with a proactive and analytical approach in finding the best solutions is something that we highly value. C&W is now offering you a full-time and permanent position, where you could start as soon as possible.

We expect you to have:

  • Previous relevant working experience for example in the field of data analysis, project management, consultancy, or real estate
  • Relevant academic background from University
  • Proactive and analytical working approach with good collaboration skills
  • Excellent skills in MS Office, especially with PowerPoint and Excel
  • Full working proficiency in English and in Finnish

Cushman & Wakefield offers you:

  • An opportunity to get a holistic view of the different aspects of real estate advisory: You are a part of a global enterprise which acts in an agile manner also in Finland
  • A responsible role where you get the opportunity to grow within the company into greater responsibilities, based on your own motivation, interests and skills
  • An opportunity to be a part of growing the team and business area

Sounds like you?

Please submit your CV and motivation letter in PDF-format by the latest on 25th of September via the link.

EY – Audit Trainee

EY – Audit Trainee

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