Deloitte – Kick start your career as an SAP consultant

We are on the lookout for graduates ready to grab a permanent role and start their career with Deloitte’s 12-month training programme.

Deloitte’s SAP graduate programme is designed to teach you what you need to know to launch your career as an SAP consultant. It is focused on accelerating your core management consulting skills, building your technical SAP-resumé and toolbox, connecting with past & present graduates and other key stakeholders, and creating impact by delivering on clients’ transformation journeys.

The programme consists of an SAP Bootcamp in Belgium, three learning modules, completion of the chosen SAP related certification and client project experience.

The programme will commence in September 2023, where we ensure that you get off to a good start through various courses and training.  A buddy and a mentor will be assigned to you from the beginning for support and guidance. Simultaneously, you will build a strong network across Deloitte.

You will play a big role on projects as an SAP consultant helping clients transform their ERP landscape with SAP S/4HANA. We offer opportunities for you to grow as we enable our clients’ future-preparedness using the best of Deloitte’s global multi-disciplinary skills

Deloitte, an award-winning SAP alliance partner, delivers sustainable, business-driven S/4HANA projects to the largest companies and well-known brands.

The future is in your hands. Explore limitless opportunities to find your purpose, harness your potential and help shape a better tomorrow.


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