Evli’s Trainee Program 2024 EGP Venture Capital Internship


Evli Growth Partners (EGP) is a General Partner for an Evli alternative investment fund. The Venture Capital Investment team is focused on investing in the most beautiful Northern European growth companies and on creating added value for them by leading their strategic and management work. EGP is an active owner and supports its portfolio companies on their growth journey. We at EGP are a tight team of five people and work very closely with each other as well as the portfolio companies.


Your job is to analyze potential investments and assist the team members with their analyses and live startup deals. In addition, you will generate insights for internal use and carry out other extensive background research, such as market and competitor analyses. This is people business, and you will represent Evli Growth Partners in various events and other occasions.


  • Curiosity for the tech-driven world and new innovations
  • Analytical thinking skills, a systematic approach and creativity
  • Excellent interaction and collaboration skills and enthusiasm for customer service
  • Excellent written and spoken English skills (proficiency in Finnish, Swedish and other languages are considered an advantage)
  • Experience with startups

Previously successful candidates have had backgrounds in finance, industrial engineering or similar, but we don’t want your background education to limit any of your choices. Most importantly we want you to have a particular interest towards venture capital investing.

Please send your CV, cover letter, and transcript of academic records no later than September 20, 2023 via the link. First round candidates will answer video interview questions, after which those selected will be invited for and interview in early October.


– Pauliina Sinnemaa, Investment Manager, +358 40 8671433, pauliina@egp.fi
– Anne Juvonen, HR Specialist, +358 40 574 7674, hr@evli.com

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