BCG – Visiting Associate
Unlock your potential as a Visiting Associate at BCG in Finland We are now accepting applications for Visiting Associate internship positions in 2025! We are seeking students who are eager to bring their dedication and motivation to resolve challenges of all sizes. At...
EY Experience Trainee Program | Consulting Trainees Finland
EY Experience Trainee Program | Consulting Trainees Finland EY’s Consulting Services is seeking enthusiastic trainees to immerse themselves in the world of management consulting. As a trainee, you’ll get to collaborate with diverse teams based on your unique skills...
Breakfast with BCG – our focus on more sustainable future
Breakfast with BCG - our focus on more sustainable future Breakfast with BCG - our focus on more sustainable future February 28th, 9:00-12:00 Hotel Haven, Unioninkatu 17, 00130 Helsinki Interested in management consulting and eager to learn of the daily lives of a...
Trainees to Deals and Consulting, Helsinki
Trainees to Deals and Consulting, Helsinki Are you interested in building a career in the field of M&A or management consulting? We are now looking for trainees to both our Deals and Consulting groups. Within these groups, we have several specialized teams...
Tax Trainee | EY Helsinki
Tax Trainee | EY Helsinki Oletko kiinnostunut veroasiantuntijan työstä, globaalista työympäristöstä ja mielenkiintoisista tehtävistä kokeneiden osaajien tuella? EY hakee tiimiemme kasvaessa lisää motivoituneita harjoittelijoita verotuksen eri tiimeihin. Tutustu...
Moore Idman: Audit Associate
Moore Idman: Audit Associate Työsopimuksen tyyppi: vakituinen, kokoaikainen Sijainti: Hatanpään valtatie 26, 33100 Tampere Haku-DL: 24.1.2024 Haluatko kasvaa tilintarkastajaksi ja kerryttää kokemusta laskentatoimesta, verotuksesta ja yhtiöoikeudesta? Moore Idman, yksi...