Aalto Accounting

Aalto Accounting is the student organization for Aalto University Accounting students. Our purpose is to help students create networks with fellow students and the corporate world and support students advance their studies. Keep browsing and find the most interesting job opportunities, events and alumni stories.


EY – Audit Associate

EY – Audit Associate

Kiinnostaako sinua työ, jossa pääset yhdessä tiimin kanssa ylittämään asiakkaan odotukset? Haluatko olla mukana viemässä tilintarkastusta tulevaisuuteen, jossa keskeisessä roolissa ovat teknologioiden hyödyntäminen, kestävyysraportointi sekä data-analytiikka? Etsimme...

Case Day: Navigating M&A with EY and EY-Parthenon

Case Day: Navigating M&A with EY and EY-Parthenon

Join us on 25 March 2025 for an engaging Case Day event focused on the intricacies of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) with EY and EY-Parthenon. The event will take place from 15:00 to 20:00 at EY office (Korkeavuorenkatu 32, Helsinki) During the event, we will...

Interested in Accounting as a major?

Here  you can find more information about courses and study structure.

Also, do not hesitate to contact the Academic Affairs Responsibles of our Board if you have any questions related to studies in Accounting.

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